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A monomial is an algebraic expression with only one term. One example of a monomial is 4x. Other examples are 4x^2 or 8/y

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Q: What is an example of a monomial?
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Related questions

What isan example of a monomial?

2X is an example.

How do you write a monomial expression?

A Monomial is an algebraic expression containing only one term. For example:5, xy, 36x2y, a, 14b are the examples of monomial.

How do you multiply monomial by a polynomial?

you foil it out.... for example take the first number or variable of the monomial and multiply it by everything in the polynomial...

Is this number a monomial or binomial or trinomial 341a9?

Monomial. Monomial. Monomial. Monomial.

Is this a polynomial or binomial or trinomial 4x2?

It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial). It is a polynomial (monomial).

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How do you find the degree of a monomial?

By definition, a monomial has only one unknown independent variable, usually represented by a letter of the alphabet. The exponent immediately after that symbol for the unknown is the degree of the monomial.

What is monimial?

A monomial had one term.....for example 5x^7 or 342f^9

How do you factor a monomial?

To factor a monomial, is to write the monomial as the product of two monomials. there are more than one possible answers when factoring For example if you had: 6x4 the answer could be -(2x3)(3x) -(2x2)(3x2) -(6x)(x3) -(x)(6x3) -(6x2)(x2)

How do you know if a number is a monomial?

here is an example of a monomial: 4xy binomial: 4xy+5y trinomial: 4xy+5y-9x a monomial is just a number and a variable(or several variables) but with no addition or subtraction, multiplication or division with another term. hope that helped!

Is it always that a monomial divided by another monomial equals to a monomial?


What is an example of a polynomial that is not a monomial?

(x + 2) is a binomial. (x2 + 2x + 1) is a trinomial