One and a half.
Decimals are used when representing numbers that are not whole. Such as 1.5, which equals one and one half.
One and a half cents in decimals is 0.015
Five and one half cents in decimals is 0.055
One and a half.
One half is larger. You can either use cross-multiplying or decimals to figure this out. One half in decimals is 0.5 while one third is only 0.3333333(3 continuing).
no, one-third is about .3 and one half is .5 in decimals
Decimals are used when representing numbers that are not whole. Such as 1.5, which equals one and one half.
To write one half cent with decimals, you would express it as $0.005. This is because one cent is equal to $0.01, and half of a cent would be half of that amount, which is $0.005. In decimal form, this would be written as $0.005.
You write it as 3.5 cents.