One hundred percent.
If you mean 125% as a decimal then it is 1.25
Big...... Divide the numerater by the denominator times the decimal by one hundred and that will give you a percent.
A percent is a part of a hundred while a decimal is a part of one, so to convert a percent to a decimal you simply divide it by 100. So, for example 60% becomes 0.60 and 91.4% becomes 0.914
Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 1.468. Expressed as a mixed number, this is equal to 1 117/250 or one and one hundred and seventeen two hundred and fiftieths.
One hundred percent.
Expressed as a decimal, 31.5 percent is equal to 0.315.
If you mean 125% as a decimal then it is 1.25
To find the percentage equivalent of the decimal 0.108, you would multiply the decimal times one hundred (percent means literally "per hundred"). ) 0.108 times 100= 10.8%
Big...... Divide the numerater by the denominator times the decimal by one hundred and that will give you a percent.
To convert 125% to a decimal divide by 100:125% ÷ 100 = 1.25
One hundred percent = 1.0Ten percent = 0.1One percent = 0.01So, one tenth of one percent = 0.001
A percent is a part of a hundred while a decimal is a part of one, so to convert a percent to a decimal you simply divide it by 100. So, for example 60% becomes 0.60 and 91.4% becomes 0.914
"Percent" really just means "out of one hundred". So 0.2% = 0.2/100 = 0.002
Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 1.468. Expressed as a mixed number, this is equal to 1 117/250 or one and one hundred and seventeen two hundred and fiftieths.
Multiply by one hundred, or move the decimal over two places to the right: 16.667%.
Divide per cent by one hundred to get a decimal 7.99 percent = 0.0799 as a fraction 0.0799 is 799/1000