One hundred percent.
If you mean 125% as a decimal then it is 1.25
Big...... Divide the numerater by the denominator times the decimal by one hundred and that will give you a percent.
A percent is a part of a hundred while a decimal is a part of one, so to convert a percent to a decimal you simply divide it by 100. So, for example 60% becomes 0.60 and 91.4% becomes 0.914
Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 1.468. Expressed as a mixed number, this is equal to 1 117/250 or one and one hundred and seventeen two hundred and fiftieths.
One hundred percent.
If you mean 125% as a decimal then it is 1.25
To find the percentage equivalent of the decimal 0.108, you would multiply the decimal times one hundred (percent means literally "per hundred"). ) 0.108 times 100= 10.8%
Big...... Divide the numerater by the denominator times the decimal by one hundred and that will give you a percent.
To convert 125% to a decimal divide by 100:125% ÷ 100 = 1.25
One hundred percent = 1.0Ten percent = 0.1One percent = 0.01So, one tenth of one percent = 0.001
A percent is a part of a hundred while a decimal is a part of one, so to convert a percent to a decimal you simply divide it by 100. So, for example 60% becomes 0.60 and 91.4% becomes 0.914
"Percent" really just means "out of one hundred". So 0.2% = 0.2/100 = 0.002
Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 1.468. Expressed as a mixed number, this is equal to 1 117/250 or one and one hundred and seventeen two hundred and fiftieths.
Multiply by one hundred, or move the decimal over two places to the right: 16.667%.
Divide per cent by one hundred to get a decimal 7.99 percent = 0.0799 as a fraction 0.0799 is 799/1000
The first position to the right of the decimal point is the tenths place. The second position to the right of the decimal points the hundredths place. It is important to note that in Latin, "per one hundred" is "per centum". We get our word "percent" because that means "per one hundred". You probably see where this is going. .01 is thus 1/100th, or 1 per hundred, or one per centum, percent!