Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 1.468. Expressed as a mixed number, this is equal to 1 117/250 or one and one hundred and seventeen two hundred and fiftieths.
percent means per hundred, so you divide the number part by 100: 6.5% = 6.5 per hundred = 6.5/100 = 0.065
Nine hundred fifty-four thousandths
The value is written as: 268.250
The decimal number for four hundred-thousandths is 0.00004
5.4 percent can be written in decimal number as 5.4 percent can be written as 5.4 /100 0.054 (answer)
250% as a decimal = 250.00 (Note it is a whole number).
1.0008 is already a decimal number. Do you mean making it until a percent
As a fraction or decimal : 100As a percent : 10000%
Expressed as a decimal, this is equal to 1.468. Expressed as a mixed number, this is equal to 1 117/250 or one and one hundred and seventeen two hundred and fiftieths.
percent means per hundred, so you divide the number part by 100: 6.5% = 6.5 per hundred = 6.5/100 = 0.065
Nine hundred fifty-four thousandths
The number is written as 0.204.
The value is written as: 268.250
The decimal number for four hundred-thousandths is 0.00004
A percentage is a number divided by one hundred. So 300% would be 300 ÷ 100, which is equal to the decimal 3.00.
To write two hundred fifty-one thousandths in decimal notation, you would represent it as 0.251. This is because the number 251 is in the thousandths place, which is three places to the right of the decimal point. This means that it is equivalent to 251/1000, which simplifies to 0.251 in decimal form.