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Q: What is one negative and one positive effect of cultural diversity?
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it has a negative effect cause all things are negative no matter what this is a life answer trust me

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it can be positive because it can protect China from constant invasion but it is also negative because it restricts cultural diffusion.

Why That cultural diffusion has a positive or a negative effect?

It has a little of both but it's more positive.Why its positive is because you can learn new things

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Positive: Cultural diffusion between Africa, India, The Middle East, and Europe. Negative: Depleted Natural resources of the area

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negative effect negative effect

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A positive effect is one that is favorable; a negative effect is one that is unfavorable.

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Negative effect on the brain.

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positive is something leaving no doubt.................or negative is the effect of saying no

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Positive effects of burning fuels include providing energy for transportation and electricity generation. However, negative effects include air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions leading to climate change, and dependency on finite resources.

Positive and nagitive effect of hotel?

`the positive effect is that we can stay there for emergency and the negative is that it might not be hygienic