1 acre = 100 decimals.
0.7 0.5
Decimals are used when representing numbers that are not whole. Such as 1.5, which equals one and one half.
1 acre = 100 decimals.
0.7 0.5
one can say that Hawaii in the nineteenth century was a microcosm?
One and a half cents in decimals is 0.015
One cent without decimals can be expressed as 1/100
Decimals are used when representing numbers that are not whole. Such as 1.5, which equals one and one half.
50 in decimals is simply 50.00 or in fractions, it is fifty over one.
65890 54890 65690 25374 23743
Decimals are everywhere - money is one big place you'll find them!
0.166666 . . .