1005or 1,005
In Britain, I would write one thousand and seventy-five.An American might say one thousand seventy-five.
One Million Five Hundred and Five Thousand in figures: 1,505,000
The answer is 17/18
Five and one ninth.
1005or 1,005
in numbers it would be: 40,000 + 5,000 + 1 = 45,001 In words it would be: forty thousand + five thousand + one = forty five thousand and one. [or] forty thousand plus five thousand plus one equals forty five thousand and one.
Forty-five thousand one. The answer above is incorrect. In numbers it would be: 40,000 + 5,000 + 1 = 45,001 In words it is: forty thousand + five thousand + one = 45,001 [or] Forty - five thousand and one or for advanced it would be: forty thousand plus five thousand plus one equals forty five thousand and one.
In Britain, I would write one thousand and seventy-five.An American might say one thousand seventy-five.
One Million Five Hundred and Five Thousand in figures: 1,505,000
Five and one ninth percent is written as: 5 1/9% or 5.1% repeating decimal.
five ninths
The answer is 17/18
Five and one ninth.
One kilogram equals one thousand grams so five thousand grams equals five kilograms.