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M Mumps

M Measles

R Rubella

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Q: What is one of the 3 diseases targeted in the MMR jab?
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What causes communicable diseases?

Communicable diseases are diseases that are typically very dangerous and very contagious. Usually, diseases of this kind are spread by one person that catches the illness and unknowingly gives it to others.

Where can one find facts about osteonecrosis?

The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) is a great resource for learning about osteonecrosis. It answers many common questions about osteonecrosis.

What makes perfect circles in the ground?

you can take a thin stick or other cylindric object and jab it into the ground. it has to be stiff. now take some string and tie one end around the stick so it would hang a little loose. on the other end attach another stick, but don't stick it in the ground. Now pull the string in one direction until its tight, but the stick not in the ground onto the ground and walk around in a circle, always keeping the string taught.

What is the nearest one unit?

The ones place is immediately to the left of the decimal point. The phrase "to the nearest one" means to round a number to that targeted place. When rounding to a specific place, take a look at the digit immediately to the right of the target, in this case, the tenths place. If that digit is 4 or less, zero everything to the right of the target out. If that digit is 5 through 9, increase the target by one and zero everything to the right of it out. If the target is a 9, increasing it will turn it to zero and increase the digit to the left of the target by one.

What are the odds of having a baby with 3 very rare diseases?

If you know nothing about the parents' risk for these diseases or other contributing factors (race, environment, etc.), then the answer depends solely on the probabilities of getting any one of those diseases. Let's say the risks are P1, P2 and P3 where P1 is the probability of the baby having rare disease #1 and so on. A probability of 1 is a sure thing and 0 means no chance, so the probability of a rare disease is a number slightly greater than 0. The risk of getting disease #1 AND #2 AND #3 is the product: P1xP2xP3. If, for example, the each risk is one in a million (P1=P2=P3=0.000001), then the odds of having a baby with all three is 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000,000. The math changes severely if one of the parents is at risk for the disease. Let's say the mother has one gene that causes the disease #1. Then P1 is no longer 1 in a million, it is 0.5. If the parent's racial group is afflicted with P2=0.001 as well, then P=0.5x0.001x0.000001=0.000000005, which is 500,000 the risk of others.

Related questions

Can you get measles if you've had 1 MMR jab?

When you get the MMR, your body is supposed to be immune to the measles due to developing an antibody (like a cell marker) to be on standby of the virus measles ever returns. Sometimes, people do get the measles or mumps even though they have had the vaccine: My child had a bad case of Measles even though he had the MMR vaccine over a year earlier. I've read that only 95% of children are protected after the first MMR jab, and this increases to 99% after the second. I had the measles & mumps vaccinations when I was a kid (individual and separate doses) and I still developed mumps when I was 8 and measles when I was 13. The shots don't necessarily work. In fact, I think they are potentially more dangerous than the diseases themself. I recovered fully and had no ill effects from the diseases. ______________________________________________________________ I knew someone who had had the MMR vaccine and she still caught measles when my area had an outbreak of it because her immune system was weak. I got measles too but I hadn't had the jab because measles isn't nomally life-threatening nowadays and it helps to strenghten your immune system. Later there was an outbreak of slapped cheek in my class and I was about the only one who didn't get it.

Who usually gets the mumps?

Anyone can get the mumps, but people who get the vaccine(MMR[Measles, Mumps, Rubella]) are less likely to catch it. Watch out, though, vaccines can give you diseases too. One of those diseases is one of the worst:autism. ~{cjmos}~ The link between the MMR vaccine and autism has since been dismissed.

What are the most targeted pests by pesticides?

In US agriculture, weeds are the number one targeted pest, followed by insects. Arthropods (such as mites), diseases, and rodents are also important targets.

Did you hear the one about the acupuncture?

It was a jab well done!

What do the letters stand for in the MMR?

One possibility: Morbidity and Mortality Report

What is maxiimum recruitment?

In context one can assume that maximum recruitment is refering to "maximum muscle recruitment" or MMR. MMR refers to the percentage of a muscle's strength potential is used.

Who is eliable for flu jab?

any one over 65

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There are various places where one can purchase targeted traffic software. The reason one would purchase targeted traffic is to ensure traffic is brought to their website.

Where can one find targeted email advertising?

One can find targeted email advertising by going to the Silver Pop website. The website provides targeted email advertising to the members of the website.

What are rabbit jabs?

rabbit have one jab and a booster mainly against myxomatosis

What is surname of the chipmunks?

Theodore, Simon and Alvin , the TV chipmunks, were take-offs on (gender change here) Veronica, Estel, and Nedra, look, one to one correpsondence. also Dave Seville was a take off on Phil Spector. Jab Jab Jab, do the San Quentin! ( he"s in the Big House now)

How can one gather a targeted email list?

There are many ways for one to gather a targeted email list. One can gather a targeted email list by hiring a media company such as Spotlight Public Relations Company or The Publicity Agency.