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A fifth.

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Q: What is one of the five equal parts?
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No. The "thirty-five" parts are equal, but one hundredth is ten times as muchas one thousandth, so those parts are not equal.Similarly, thirty-five and one chicken is not equal to thirty-five and one horse.

How can you divide a rectangle into five equal parts?

Divide one edge into five equal parts and construct lines perpendicular to that edge at those points.

What is one inch divided into 5 equal parts?

Perhaps you wanted to ask a different question, but this is the answer to the question you asked. - It is one inch divided into five equal parts.

How many fifths are in one?

There are five fifths in one whole. In fractions, a fifth represents one part out of five equal parts. Therefore, when you have five fifths combined, you have a whole unit.

What is fraction which means five out of 9 equal parts?

The denominator (bottom number) of a fraction tells you the number of equal parts (in a whole); The numerator (top number) of a fraction tells you how many of those parts. You have five parts out of 9 equal parts which is 5/9

How do you divide a pentagon into equal parts?

If you want it divided into five equal parts, draw a dot in the center of the pentagon, and draw a line form each vertex to the dot. You should now have five equal triangles.

What does 0.005 mean?

It means five of the equal parts of a whole thing, after the whole thing has been cut up into 1,000 equal parts. To read it out loud, you say "five thousandths".

What is One of the five equal parts is known as a?

One of the five equal parts is known as a quintile. In statistics, quintiles are used to divide a data set into five equal parts, each representing 20% of the total observations. Quintiles are commonly used in analyzing income distributions, test scores, and other numerical data sets to understand the dispersion and patterns within the data.

What is one of ten equal parts?

One of ten equal parts would be a tenth.

Does one fourth equal one whole?

One fourth is the same as one quarter. The whole is divided into four equal parts, and one of those equal parts is one fourth.

How do you draw a square with 5 equal parts?

Divide the square into five strips.

What fraction means five out of 9 equal parts?
