

What is one percent of 24?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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12y ago

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1% of 24= 0.01 x 24= 0.24

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Q: What is one percent of 24?
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You simply move the decimal point which is assumed, but not written at the end of the percent to the left two places. Example: 24 percent is 24. percent, and moving the decimal point two places to the left, is .24, but is no longer a percent. It is usual to add a 'zero' to the left of the decimal point, so it becomes, '0.24', or 24 one hundredths, which is 24/100. By the way, 'percent' is another way to write 'per cent'. 'Cent' stands for '100'. So, 24 percent is really like saying, "24 per one-hundred".

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