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the railroads

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Q: What is one significant way transportation changed in the US in the first half of the nineteenth century?
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What is the significant way transportation changed in the us in the first half of the nineteenth century?

the railroads

What years did navy's mission changed at the end of the nineteenth century?

Changed from: Defending America's coasts Changed to: Projecting U.S. power overseas

What invention changed the nature of communication and commerce in the first half of the nineteenth century?

Morse's telegraph

What were some of the 19 century inventions that changed transportation and communications?


How did big business change at the end of the nineteenth century?

Big business changed at the end of the nineteenth century through consolidation and the rise of monopolies, which led to increased control over markets. Technological advancements and economies of scale allowed for the expansion of companies across multiple industries. This era also saw the emergence of powerful business tycoons who wielded significant political and economic influence.

What did the electric street car and the horseless carriage have in common?

They both changed transportation at the beginning of the 20 century

Why did European women's lives change in the nineteenth century?

European women's lives changed in the nineteenth century due to factors such as industrialization, urbanization, and the expansion of education. These changes led to shifts in women's roles, including increased participation in the workforce and suffrage movements. Additionally, evolving social norms and ideologies, such as the rise of feminism, also contributed to changes in women's rights and opportunities.

How has transportation changed from the 1950?

Transportation has changed tremendously. We now have much biggerand more efficient helicopters, aircraft and trucks.

What is the new immigration of late 19th century?

During the late nineteenth century, the immigrants coming to the United States had changed. The majority were Irish and German Catholics, as opposed to the Protestants in an earlier period. In addition, new groups such as Italians, Poles, Finns, Greeks, Hungarians as Slavs begin to arrive.

How planes changed the world?

they have changed the world by quicker transportation to places far away! :)

How did American expansionism at the end of the nineteenth century transform Americas position in global affairs by the eve of World War 1?

At the end of the nineteenth century, American expansionism transformed in many ways. Their position in the global affairs right before World War I was very good actually. They had control over any expansion and over the problems that would raise up in America and the global affairs. Because of their methods of transportation and power, the United States attained authority and reached halfway around the world without any serious problems. America changed many things for the good of every citizen, and if it wasn't for their position in the global affairs, we wouldn't have the opportunities we have today. Also, their changes helped out the World War I. The war could of been more devastating, but America changed that as well.

How has transportation changed since 1950?

Calvin Spencer.