A percent is that number over 100. Thus 87% can be rewritten as the fraction 87/100. If this is worked out as a division, it can be converted to the decimal 0.87.
87/100 as decimal is 0.87
87% = 0.87
87 tenths = 8.7
Any number without decimal places is an integer, including -87.
A percent is that number over 100. Thus 87% can be rewritten as the fraction 87/100. If this is worked out as a division, it can be converted to the decimal 0.87.
87 is greater than the decimal number 13.688
The problem can be set up as a fraction: 441.09/507 To convert to decimal, divide the top number by the bottom number: 441.09 ÷ 507 = .87 441.09 is .87 of 507
Square root of 87 is 9.3. Which is rounded to the nearest tenth.
Divide 87 by 100 to convert to a decimal. 87 ÷ 100 = 0.87
87/100 as decimal is 0.87
number /100 = percent as decimal87/100 = 0.87
You can see that the difference between adjacent numbers is 9, so the numbers are 6, 15, 24, 33, 42, 51, 60, 69, 78, 87 and 87 is the tenth number in the pattern
you should round it to the nearest tenth and box the first number
87% = 0.87