The answer is one hundred forty four
One hundred thirty-two
Three thousand and sixty dollars thirty three (and a third) cents.
The answer is thirty three and one third .
two billion, three-hundred-thirty-three million, three-hundred-thirty-three thousand. three-hundred-thirty-three and one-third.
The answer is one hundred forty four
One hundred thirty thousand, six hundred.
Oh, dude, one third of four hundred thousand dollars is like one hundred and thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents. So, if you were hoping for a different number, tough luck, that's the math for you. Hope you weren't planning on splitting that cash evenly!
One hundred thirty-two
Three thousand and sixty dollars thirty three (and a third) cents.
what is one third of thirty three
One Hundred Thirty Thousand, Nine Hundred Eleven.
130 = one hundred thirty.