Numerical value of 1000 is 1000. If you want to convert this to another currency, check the latest exchange rate at a site such as
one million one hundred and forty thousand dollars
One thousand is written as "1,000" in numbers. This is a numerical representation of the value of one thousand, where the digit "1" represents one thousand and the three zeros after it signify three placeholders for hundreds, tens, and ones. This numerical system is based on the decimal system, where each place value represents a power of 10.
There is no answer -_-
1039 = one thousand thirty nine, or one thousand and thirty nine as it is termed in British English.
one million one hundred and forty thousand dollars
One thousand is written as "1,000" in numbers. This is a numerical representation of the value of one thousand, where the digit "1" represents one thousand and the three zeros after it signify three placeholders for hundreds, tens, and ones. This numerical system is based on the decimal system, where each place value represents a power of 10.
What is one thousand korea won in nigeria niara
In Roman Numberals, M = 1000.In Greek the letter A = 1000
No. A blank cell has a numerical value of zero.
The value of the number, as expressed in the question, is far from clear.
If you mean how does one write the numerical value of 99963, it would be ninety-nine thousand nine hundred sixty-three.
There is no answer -_-
A thousand thousand and three hundred" is another way of expressing the number 1,301. In this case, "a thousand thousand" is equivalent to one million, and when you add 1,300 to that, you get a total of 1,301. So, "a thousand thousand and three hundred" is simply a different wording for the numerical value 1,301.