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The year 1013 AD.

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Q: What is one thousand years ago called?
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One centomillenium.

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One billion seconds ago is roughly the equivalent of 31.7 years ago, using the US definition of one billion. One billion is one thousand millions.

What do you call a period of one thousand years called?

That's called a millenium.

When is it going to be 1000 years?

It was already the year 1000. That was 1,013 years ago. One thousand years from now will be the calendar year 3013.

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500 years ago it meant the same thing that it means today - that is, to profess the One True Faith founded by Christ Jesus over two thousand years ago - the Catholic Faith.

What is one thousand million years called?

Giga-annum It is commonly used in scientific disciplines such as cosmology and geology to signify extremely long time periods in the past. For example, the formation of the Earth occurred approximately 4.57 Ga (4.57 billion years) ago. One thousand million is also known as a billion.

What 4.6 billion years is in to the earth?

ADAM and EVE was Exist almost hundred Thousand of years ago it is not true that mankind LIVE in this world almost 6000 years it is LIE and fake, the Mayan Civilization was exist almost 35 Thousand years ago and if Adam and Eve was almost 6000 years;why the Mayan exist almost 35 thousand years ago? the Bible say the Every Human live in the Planet are came to the descendant of Adam and Eve, it is True that the Beliefs that Human live in this earth almost 6000 years ago was Fake and it is just only Theory, according to the discovery of the Scientist and archaeologist the Planet was Exist almost 4.7 Billion Years ago and the Mankind live in this Planet almost Hundred Thousand Years ago, so LORD God Created the earth almost 4.7Billion years ago and mankind live almost Hundred Thousand years ago according to the Bible the world was Create by God in Six Days and From the Seventh Day GOD was Rest, there are many Proof that mankind did not exist almost 6000 years but Hundred thousand years, one of them was the Mayan according to the archaeologist the Mayan Exist in this Planet almost 35 Thousand years ago and the Mayan was Human and all Human Came to the descendant of Adam and Eve, so how Adam and Eve exist in 6000 years if the mayan was exist almost 35 Thousand years ago? this is the Proof that the Mankind DID NOT Live in 6000 Thousand years.