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Q: What is outcomes of enlightenment?
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What were some Outcomes of enlightenment?

You could say that the two biggest were the American and French Revolutions.

What were some outcomes of the enlightenment?

You could say that the two biggest were the American and French Revolutions.

Ideas expressed during the enlightenment led to which of these outcomes?

Citizens in several countries launched revolutions that replaced monarchies with governments based on enlightenment ideals.

Ideas expressed during the Enlightenment led to what outcomes?

The ideas expressed during the Enlightenment led to outcomes such as the promotion of individual rights and freedoms, the establishment of democratic forms of government, and the advancement of scientific inquiry and knowledge. This period also contributed to the questioning of traditional authority and the development of new social and political systems.

Some of the ideas from the enlightenment led to the?

Some ideas from the Enlightenment led to the development of democracy, individual rights, and the separation of powers in government. Other outcomes included advancements in science, the promotion of reason and logic, and the questioning of traditional authority and religious beliefs.

What outcome did ideas expressed during the enlightenment lead to?

The ideas expressed during the Enlightenment led to various outcomes, including the promotion of individual liberties, the questioning of traditional authority, the advancement of scientific knowledge, and the rise of democratic principles. These ideas also paved the way for social, political, and economic reforms that have shaped modern societies.

What were the ideas expressed during the enlightenment which led to what outcome?

The Enlightenment promoted ideas such as reason, individualism, and skepticism of authority, leading to outcomes like increased focus on human rights, democracy, and scientific progress. These ideas contributed to movements like the American and French Revolutions, which sought to challenge existing power structures and promote social change based on reason and equality.

What is development outcomes?

development outcomes

What are equally likely outcomes?

They are two or more outcomes whose probabilities are the same.

Outcomes that are shared by the general public are called what?

Outcomes that are shared by the general public are called common outcomes or public outcomes.

In probability outcomes are referred to as?

They are referred to as outcomes!

How do you find probability from a probability generating function?

you ether use a graph tree diagram or web diagram to answer the possible outcomes of the question possible outcomes meaning the number of outcomes the person will have in the probability or divide the number of favourable outcomes by the number of possible outcomes favorible outcomes meaning the number of outcomes all together