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Q: If Favorable outcomes is equal to the number of unfavorable outcomes?
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Is it true the number of elements in the sample space of an event is equal to the total number of possible outcomes?


What is the probability of getting a number greater than or equal to 2 when rolling a number cube numbered 1 to 6?

Probability is a ratio written as the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of possible outcomes. On a six-sided number cube, there are 5 chances of getting a number greater than or equal to 2 (2,3,4,5,6) and 6 possible outcomes (1,2,3,4,5,6) so your probability would be 5/6.

Is there a formula for probability problems?

Yes. The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is equal to one. Given events that are equally likely to happen, the probability that any given outcome occurs will be equal to the number of specified outcomes, divided by the number of all outcomes. If events are not equally likely to happen - let's say that Bent-Nose Bill is holding a lottery - then the probability is considerably different. As Damon Runyan put it, "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet"

What is the probability of rolling a sum of more than 4 with two number cubes?

With two six-sided dice, there are 36 possible outcomes. Let's look at the outcomes which the sum is less than or equal to 4: {1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.1} That's 6 outcomes, which leaves 30 outcomes with greater than 4. So 30/36 = 5/6 or 83.333%

What does it mean for a probability to be fair?

A probability is fair if there is no bias in any of the possible outcomes. Said another way, all of the possible outcomes in a fair distribution have an equal probability.

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Is it true the number of elements in the sample space of an event is equal to the total number of possible outcomes?


What is the probability of getting a number greater than or equal to 2 when rolling a number cube numbered 1 to 6?

Probability is a ratio written as the number of desired outcomes divided by the number of possible outcomes. On a six-sided number cube, there are 5 chances of getting a number greater than or equal to 2 (2,3,4,5,6) and 6 possible outcomes (1,2,3,4,5,6) so your probability would be 5/6.

Why event probabilities range from zero to one?

The probability of an event is the number of outcomes that are favourable to the outcome divided by the total number of outcomes. For continuous variables, it is the proportion of the outcome space, but the same argument applies.The number of favourable outcomes must be non negative and so the probability has to be greater than or equal to 0. Also, the number of favourable outcomes can, at most, be as large as the total number so the probability must be less than or equal to 1.

If 5 distinct dice are rolled what is the probability of getting at least one 6?

You must notice that it is easier to find the probability that none of the dice are six. This is the complement of the answer. Pc= (55)/(65) = .4019 *the first die has 5 ways to not equal six, and so on for the remaining dice. [55] outcomes have no six. *the total number of outcomes gives each die 6 ways to fall. [65] outcomes overall. *Probability is the favorable outcome divided by the total number of outcomes. *Probability of an event is 1 minus the complement of the event. P = 1 - .4019 P = .5981 <<<<<<FINAL ANSWER

Are the probability values always greater than or equal to 0 or less than or equal to 1 or all positive numbers?

Probability values are never negative and are always between 0-1 according to the definition Probability of A= Number of outcomes classified as A/Total number of possible outcomes

What are the possible outcomes of tossing a quarter and a dime while rolling a number cube?

it would be 2*2*6 which would equal 24

Is there a formula for probability problems?

Yes. The sum of the probabilities of all possible outcomes is equal to one. Given events that are equally likely to happen, the probability that any given outcome occurs will be equal to the number of specified outcomes, divided by the number of all outcomes. If events are not equally likely to happen - let's say that Bent-Nose Bill is holding a lottery - then the probability is considerably different. As Damon Runyan put it, "The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, but that's the way to bet"

When is a binomial distribution cumulative?

It is cumulative when you add together the probabilities of all events resulting in the given number or fewer successes.

What would an associate's degree in culinary arts and an associate's degree in business administration equal to?

It is equal to two associate degrees in different areas. However, the expertise and experience gained through the culinary arts degree with the addition of the business degree should be favorable to employers who realize the beneficial outcomes it can bring to their business, especially with businesses on the higher fine dinning end.

What is the probability of rolling a sum of more than 4 with two number cubes?

With two six-sided dice, there are 36 possible outcomes. Let's look at the outcomes which the sum is less than or equal to 4: {1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 2.2 3.1} That's 6 outcomes, which leaves 30 outcomes with greater than 4. So 30/36 = 5/6 or 83.333%

If the outcomes of a random variable follow a Poisson distribution then their?

means equal the standard deviation

If two fair dice are rolled what is the probability that the total number of spots shown is equal to 15?

If two fair dice were rolled, there would be 36 outcomes. (1,1),(1,2),....,(6,6) The maximum sum would be 12. Therefore, the probability that the total number of spots shown is equal to 15 is zero.