Under malnourished means that a person is too skinny and not eating the right amount of food. Over nourished means a person is overweight or obese because they are eating too much of the wrong foods.
For dairy production each farmer is given a quota, where they must reach the amount of quota before the year is over. Under production means that they were under their needed quota, whereas over production means that they were over their allotted quota. Hope that this helps!
Under a cloud
the difference between the third and over the third or under the third line is that they are difference
Well, in my opinion, most French people are very bent, and believe me, they're no angels, these angels are known as the under bent angels, meaning that they bend under their offspring for a drink. Mexicans, however, are over bent angels. The bend over their offspring for a spanking, this is how they get sexual stimulation.
malnourished, under nourished, under fed
malnourished and severely under weight
According to the WHO, a person with a BMI (body mass index) under 18.5 is malnourished. To calculate your BMI, see the related link.
The dogs were very malnourished when they were rescued.She looked malnourished so they called an ambulance.
We cared for the malnourished puppy.
My aunt was malnourished because she had a cold.
Eg) Many children in the third world are malnourished The dog was malnourished due to abandonment
over 6,000,000 JEWS were starved and then killed
if you take them to the doc and he/she says that they are malnourished
According to UNICEF, as of 2021, there are about 3.6 million malnourished children in the Philippines under the age of five. This high number highlights the ongoing challenge of addressing malnutrition in the country, which requires comprehensive and sustained efforts from various sectors to improve the situation.
Height is determined genetically. As long as you aren't malnourished, you really don't have control over your height.