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Q: What is p means in he commands line?
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A p with a line over it?

A p with a line over it is a medical abbreviation. The p with a line over it means after in medical terms.

What do a movie director do?

the movie director has to direct and that means he has to tell people to do his commands like you stand where thet purple line is and the movie comes and there is no purple line so, he tells people to do his commands

What is the meaning of the p with the line over it?

A "p" with a horizontal line over it means "after"

What does the medical abbreviation p with a line over it mean?

P with a line over it means after in medical terms."post"

What is different between command line and GUI?

(Command line as popularly known)CUI stands for Character User Interface,it means that u have to type commands to interact with your computer. e.g. - In DOS for every thing we type the commands. run cmd whatever commands you give to execute. GUI stands for Graphical User Interface,it means that u no need to type commands to interact with your computer instead u have to click with the help of mouse on the icons of ready made commands

How do you yank and paste lines?

The command 'Y' or 'yy' copies (yanks) one or more lines. To copy one line, two lines, 10 lines, and all lines to the end of the file, respectively: Y 2Y 10Y yG To paste the text contained in the buffer above (uppercase P) or below the current cursor position (lowercase p), respectively: P p It is also possible to yank text within a line. The following commands yank text from the current cursor position to the end of the word and the end of the line, respectively: yw y$ The same commands paste the text within a line. Lower case p pastes after the cursor position and upper case P pastes before. Paste will also work with deleted text, either lines or parts of lines. Be careful not to execute any other commands prior to pasting as this will empty the buffer.

How do you yank and paste lines in UNIX?

The command 'Y' or 'yy' copies (yanks) one or more lines. To copy one line, two lines, 10 lines, and all lines to the end of the file, respectively:Y2Y10YyGTo paste the text contained in the buffer above (uppercase P) or below the current cursor position (lowercase p), respectively:PpIt is also possible to yank text within a line. The following commands yank text from the current cursor position to the end of the word and the end of the line, respectively:ywy$The same commands paste the text within a line. Lower case p pastes after the cursor position and upper case P pastes before.Paste will also work with deleted text, either lines or parts of lines. Be careful not to execute any other commands prior to pasting as this will empty the buffer.

What are dnl commands used for?

dnl stands for delete to new line. The dnl commands basically instruct compiler to ignore anything on a line following the dnl.

Which type of operating system is dos?

DOS is Disk Operating System. It is a command-line OS. It means you have to control the computer through codes/commands.

What is diagonal line in computer commands called?


Are Linux commands entered via the command line case sensitive?

Yes. Just about everything to do with Linux on the command line is case sensitive, including commands and file names.

What is wrap in HTML?

Wrap in HTML means that text will automatically continue on the next line if it is longer than one line. You usually use the <p></p> tags to contain text that will display in a paragraph.