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Q: What is parallel organum?
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The first type of organum to appear was called?

The first type of organum to appear was called parallel organum. It consisted of a plainchant melody with a second voice singing the same melody at a fixed interval above or below.

When was Novum Organum created?

Novum Organum was created in 1620.

When was Ensemble Organum created?

Ensemble Organum was created in 1982.

Is Organum a form of homophony?

No, organum is actually an early form of polyphony

During the early tenth century a form of polyphony was developed in which a second vocal part was added to a plainsong melody and moved in strict of parallel motion?


When was Organum Maximum created?

Organum Maximum was created on 2006-07-07.

What is the historical significance of organum music in the development of Western classical music?

Organum music played a crucial role in the development of Western classical music by introducing the concept of harmony and polyphony. Originating in the medieval period, organum involved singing in parallel intervals, paving the way for more complex musical structures and compositions. This innovation laid the foundation for the rich harmonic tradition that defines classical music today.

What is the first step in the development of organum in the sixteen century?

The first step in the development of organum was?

What is the compositional style with its characteristic of organum?

Organum is a compositional style that originated in medieval music, specifically in the Notre Dame school of polyphony. It involves adding a second voice to a preexisting plainchant melody at a fixed interval, usually a perfect fifth or fourth. This results in parallel motion and adds harmonic richness to the original monophonic chant.

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What is a novum organum?

it is written by francis bacon