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No, it means the air can only hold 10% more moisture at the current temperature..

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No, relative humidity refers to the amount of water vapor in the air compared to the maximum amount it can hold at that temperature. A relative humidity of 90% means the air is holding 90% of the maximum water vapor it can hold at that temperature, not that only 10% of the air is left.

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Q: If the relative humidity is 90 percent does that mean there is only 10 percent of air left?
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What does humidity above 50 percent mean?

Humidity above 50 percent indicates a higher amount of water vapor in the air relative to its maximum capacity at that temperature. This can make the air feel damp and can affect how comfortable or uncomfortable it feels. High humidity levels can also contribute to the growth of mold and mildew.

Can relative humidity be zero?

No, relative humidity cannot be zero as it represents the amount of water vapor present in the air relative to the maximum amount it could hold at a given temperature. If the relative humidity were zero, it would mean that the air is completely dry and unable to hold any moisture, which is not possible in natural atmospheric conditions.

What is the best way to measure a peptide's size is it by mean molecular weight Daltons or by percent by number?

The best way to measure a peptide's size is typically by mean molecular weight in Daltons. This provides a quantitative measure of the peptide's mass, which can help with characterization and comparison. Percent by number can be useful for understanding the relative distribution of different peptide sizes in a sample, but molecular weight is a more precise and widely used measurement for individual peptides.

If the percentage in humidity is higher does it mean it is more humid or less humid?

If the percentage in humidity is higher, it means it is more humid. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air, so a higher percentage indicates that the air is holding more water vapor, making it more humid.

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what does it mean when your left side hurt around abdomen and you vomit

Related questions

What does it mean when relative humidity is 100 percent?

It is raining

What does relative humidity of 75 percent mean?

Means Most of the Earth is Mostly Made Up Of That kind of Humidity . Obv.

What does it mean when humidity is 100 percent?

This is called relative humidity. It is the ratio between the actual humidity, and the humidity for saturated air - that is, the maximum amount of water air can hold. This saturation point is dependent on temperature.

What does a relative humidity of 100 percent mean?

oo thats on my science worksheet too. I can't find it anywhere. ugghh

What does it mean if the relative humitiy is 79 percent?

Relative humidity is the amount of moisture in the air compared to what the air can hold at that temperature - so to fully explain, we need to know the temperature

What does it mean if the relative humidity of air is 25 percent?

A relative humidity of 25% means that the air is holding 25% of the maximum amount of water vapor it can hold at that temperature. It indicates that the air is relatively dry compared to its capacity to hold moisture.

What is the relative humidity of 32 degrees celsius?

It is not possible to know the relative humidity of a place with 32 degree celsius. It varies with location. For example, in tropical areas like Singapore, 32 degree celsius could still mean a relative humidity of 90% but in desert areas, 32 degree celsius would still have a low relative humidity. So temperature and humidity are not totally related.

What does 25 percent realtive humidty in the air mean?

It means that the air at the current temperature has 25% of the maximum moisture available at that temperature before becoming saturated. Relative hunmidity is relative to the amount of moisture the air can hold at temperature. It is relative because at higher temperature the air can hold more moisture. So at say 90F and 25% relative humidity there is much more moisture than at 70F and 25% relative humidity.

What does it mean when the relative humor yo 79 percent?

When the relative humor is 79 percent, it likely means that 79 percent of the content or jokes in a particular context or conversation are considered humorous or funny. This measure is subjective and can vary depending on individual perception.

Can relative humidity be zero?

No, relative humidity cannot be zero as it represents the amount of water vapor present in the air relative to the maximum amount it could hold at a given temperature. If the relative humidity were zero, it would mean that the air is completely dry and unable to hold any moisture, which is not possible in natural atmospheric conditions.

What does it mean if the relative humidity of air is 50 percent?

If the relative humidity is at 75%, the air is not holding it's maximuim amount of water vapor. If it was holding its maxumum amount it would be 100%. The formula for that is:Actual water vapor_______________ * 100 Equals the percentTotal water vapor

What is Egypt's average humidity level?

Mean relative humidity for an average year is recorded as 35.2% and on a monthly basis it ranges from 25% in May to 46% in December.