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It is a trinomial of the form x2 + 2xy + y2 where x and y are integers because:

  • it is the square of (x + y) and
  • it is a trinomial.
And some clever person decided that it might make sense to use the phrase "perfect square tronimial" to describe something which is a perfect square and also a trinomial.
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Which expressions are perfect square trinomials?

Expressions of the form a2x2 + 2abx + b2 = (ax + b)2

How do you factor perfect square trinomials?

A perfect trinomial must be of the form a2x2 ± 2abxy + b2y2 and this factorises to (ax ± by)2.

What is the first step on solving square of trinomials?

Giving an example of the problem.

How do you find the value of c such that each expression that is a perfect square trinomial?

The answer will depend on what c represents. Furthermore, there probably is no value of c such that each expression is a perfect square - you will need different values of c for different trinomials.The answer will depend on what c represents. Furthermore, there probably is no value of c such that each expression is a perfect square - you will need different values of c for different trinomials.The answer will depend on what c represents. Furthermore, there probably is no value of c such that each expression is a perfect square - you will need different values of c for different trinomials.The answer will depend on what c represents. Furthermore, there probably is no value of c such that each expression is a perfect square - you will need different values of c for different trinomials.

Who invent the factoring perfect square trinomial?

Most of us do not know who "invented" factoring trinomials, many do not even care. Factoring is just one of the axioms that an algebra system establishes. If you really want to know, try searching on Google.

How do you factor the special product?

It depends what the special product is. Common special products are: - perfect square trinomials ... x^2 + 2ax + a^2 = (x + a)^2 - difference of squares ... x^2 - y^2 = (x - y)(x + y)

What are trinomials in algebra?

Trinomials are polynomials with three terms. ie. x2+2x+1

Is 200 a perfect square?

200 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.

Why do perfect square trinomials have only one solution?

The way we create a perfect square trinomial is by squaring something in the form of (x-a) where a is some real number. For example (x-2)2 is x2 -4x+4 which is a perfect square trinomial. Not, write this as (x-2)(x-2) instead of (x-2)2 . To find the solutions, we write (x-2)(x-2)=0 The only solution that will make the left side equal to zero is 2. So in general, if we have a perfect square trinomial with the unknown as x, think of it as (x-a)2 or as (x-a)(x-a), then if we set this to 0, the one and only solution is x=a

Is 325 a perfect square?

No, 325 is not a perfect square however 324 is a perfect square.

What is a perfect square?

A perfect square is a square of an integer (a whole number).

Is 30 a perfect square?

30 is not a perfect square. Its square root is a fraction and the square root of a perfect square is always an integer.