3.14159 to 5 decimal places. As the the 5th digit after the decimal place is a 9 when quoting to 4 decimal places the 4th digit is rounded up so Pi to 4 decimal places is:
If you put it that way...
So technically I am right but,
If you round it up you get 3. Just little 3
Pi has an infinite number of decimal places
Pi to five decimal places is 3.14159.
Its area is: 4*pi*81 = 1017.876 square units to 3 decimal places Its volume is: 4/3*pi*729 = 3053.628 cubic units to 3 decimal places
Pi is an irrational number and it is 3.14 to two decimal places
Pi has no definite number of decimal places. It can (theoretically) be written to an infinite number of decimals.
Pi has an infinite number of decimal places
Pi to five decimal places is 3.14159.
Its area is: 4*pi*81 = 1017.876 square units to 3 decimal places Its volume is: 4/3*pi*729 = 3053.628 cubic units to 3 decimal places
Pi is approximately equal to (to 20 places after the decimal) 3.14159265358979323846.
It's the value of pi rounded to 4 decimal places
Pi is an irrational number and it is 3.14 to two decimal places
the value of pi to the nearest 5 decimal places is 3.14159
It is: 2*pi*2 = 4*pi or 12.566 mm to three decimal places
pi = 3.142 rounded to three decimal places (the thousandths)
It is: pi = 3.14 in two decimal places
In absolute values, 3 x Pi is 3Pi. In decimal form, to thirteen decimal places it is: 9.424 777 960 769 4
pi to 5 decimal places = 3.14159