You're thinking of the origin. The origin is the point (0,0)
The point of origin of an earthquake is called the hypocentre or focus. The epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the focus.
It is where the x and y axes intercept at right angles at the point of origin which is at (0, 0)
It is because many things are measured with reference to a fixed point: it space or time. This point is called a reference point or origin.
At the point of the origin which is at (0, 0)
its the point of origin
Origin? As in point of origin vs point of destiantion?
the point of origin is the center of a cartegian graph. The (x,y) of the point of origin is always (0,0).
You're thinking of the origin. The origin is the point (0,0)
It is the origin
A line has no point of origin.
is called the 'origin' , and has the co-ordinates of (0,0)
The origin, in the Cartesian coordinate system, is the point with coordinates (0, 0). So, if you have another ordered pair, the ordered pair doesn't "have an origin"; rather, the origin is another point.
The point of origin of an earthquake is called the hypocentre or focus. The epicenter is the point on the surface directly above the focus.
at the origin
It is where the x and y axes intercept at right angles at the point of origin which is at (0, 0)
It is because many things are measured with reference to a fixed point: it space or time. This point is called a reference point or origin.