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Q: What is positive deviation from raoults law?
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Why does the declination from raoult's law happen?

why does the declinatıon from raoults law

Is standard deviation the positive square root of the variance?


Can a standard deviation be 195?

Any positive number is fair game.

Would the mean and standard deviation be negative if the set has only negative values?

The mean would be negative, but standard deviation is always positive.

Can standard deviation assume a negative value?

No. It is defined to be the positive square root of ((the sum squared deviation divided by (the number of observations less one))

A normal distribution can have any mean and any positive standard deviation?


Two liquid A and B on mixing produce a warm solution which type of deviation from Raoult's law does it show?

it shows negative deviation

What does positive deviation mean?

It means that the observed value is greater than that which might be expected under the model being used. Often, it is deviation from the [arithmetic] mean.

The difference between variance and standard deviation?

The SD is the (positive) square root of the variance.

How do you know if a z score is positive or negative?

A negative Z-Score corresponds to a negative standard deviation, i.e. an observation that is less than the mean, when the standard deviation is normalized so that the standard deviation is zero when the mean is zero.

How do you calculate standard deviation?

standard deviation is the positive square root of mean of the deviations from an arithmatic mean X denoted as sigma.sigma=sqrt {(sum(x-X)^2)/n}

Can the sum of squared deviation have a value of less than zero?

No. The square of a number is always positive, so the sum of several of them must also be positive.