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A summation is a recap of all the highlights of a presentation.

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Q: What is process of summation?
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What is the process of summation?

hahahaha...ala lang

What is the definition of the word summation?

Summation is the process of adding things together or a sum total of things added together. The term summation has a special meaning related to extrapolation of context.

What is The process of adding the effects of many postsynaptic potentials?

The process of adding the effects of many postsynaptic potentials is called summation. There are two types of summation: temporal summation, where postsynaptic potentials from the same presynaptic neuron add up over a short period of time, and spatial summation, where postsynaptic potentials from multiple presynaptic neurons add up at the same time. Summation ultimately determines whether an action potential will be generated in the postsynaptic neuron.

In statistics what is progressive summation?

Generally, progressive summation is the process of obtaining a cumulative sum at any time by adding together all prior occurrences.

When impulses from various sources have an additive effect on a neuron the process is called?

When impulses from various sources have an additive effect on a neuron, the process is called summation. This can occur through temporal summation, where multiple impulses from the same source rapidly fire in succession, or spatial summation, where impulses from different sources converge at the same time to reach the neuron's threshold for firing.

Why is a summation greater than an integral?

It's not. It depends on the method you use for summation whether summation > integral or integral > summation.

What property of the synapse allow multiple stimuli to fire a neutron as a group of stimuli?

i am unsure of an exact answer, however i believe it to be "Summation"Summation:1: the act or process of forming a sum :addition2: sum, total3: cumulative action or effect ; especially: the process by which a sequence of stimuli that are individually inadequate to produce a response are cumulatively able to induce a nerve impulse.Source:

Other words for addition in maths?

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Fifth grade summation notation problem so what is the answer if the upper limit of summation is 6 and the lower limit of summation which is the index summation is 2?

6 Σn 2 What is n?? Please answer

What is the process of dividing the numerator and denominator by the same number called?

Summation. I don't think that this is correct. The correct answer would be simplyfying.

What is the symbol and definition of summation?

Summation means to sum up, or find the total.

What is the difference between summation and integration?

Integration is a special case of summation. Summation is the finite sum of multiple, fixed values. Integration is the limit of a summation as the number of elements approches infinity while a part of their respective value approaches zero.