

What is pupulation?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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12y ago

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As of 2012, the state of Kentucky is estimated to have a population of 4,380,415, ranking 26th in the United States.

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Jay O'Connell

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Q: What is pupulation?
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What is the current pupulation of France?

Over 64 Million people to this day

Which country has the higher population Spain or France?

France has a pupulation of around 64 million and Spain has a pupulation of around 46 million. France has around 18 million more inhabitants than Spain.

How many people did the US have during the civil war?

The total pupulation was 22,000,000 for the union, and 9,000,000 for the confederacy.

What is Kentucky pupulation?

As of 2012, the state of Kentucky is estimated to have a population of 4,380,415, ranking 26th in the United States.

What is the real number of World pupulation?

According to the Wikipedia article on "World population", the current estimate is 6,895,600,000

Whicjlh will reduce comprtition within a species pupulation?

Elimination is one of the ways that will reduce competition within a species population.

What is pupulation density and it's reasons in nigeria?

population density is defined as the number of persons per square kilometre of land.

How do you find the pupulation density of an area?

-- Find out the population of the area. -- Find out the area of the area. -- Divide the population by the area. The result is the population density of the area.

What were the physical effects of the Black Death in Europe?

the main physical effect of the black plague was the loss of around 30-60% of the total pupulation died.

Which Country in South Asia has the highest population density?

Which South Asian country has the highest pupulation? The Anwser to that would be, Singapore. :)

How did railroads impact Georgia?

it let people live farther away and that made the pupulation grow and the railroads would still bring the goods to the people such as food and other things the people might have needed