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Q: What is quarter past four in the afternoon be shown on a 24 hour digital clock?
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How would quarter past four in the afternoon be shown on a twenty -four hour on a digital clock?

Quarter past four in the afternoon is the same as 4:15 pm.On a digital clock it could be shown as 4:15 with a pm indicator or 16:15On a 24 hour clock it would always be shown as 16:15

How would quarter to five in the afternoon be shown on a twenty-four-hour digital clock?


How would quarter to four in the afternoon be shown on a twenty four hour digital clock?


How would quarter to five in the afternoon be shown on a twenty four hour digital clock?

It would be 17:45

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How would quarter past seven in the evening be shown on a twenty-four hour digital clock?

i need someone to answer me cause that was the question i asked so how would i know stupid people!

How is quarter to eleven at night shown on a 24-hour clock?

Quarter to eleven at night on a 24-hour clock is displayed as 22:45.

What does 20 past 7 mean in digital form?

On a digital 12 hour clock system it is shown as 07:20On a digital 24 hour clock system it is shown as 19:20

How is twenty-five to five shown on a digital clock?


How would quarter to seven in the evening be shown on a 24 hour clock?

12:00 + 6:45 = 18:45

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What is the difference between analog and digital watches?

Analog clock shows time passing by moving hands continuously. In contrast, digital clock shows the time numerically. By analog clock you can tell the time between graduations to some extent by the location of the hands because the hands move continuously. But by digital clock, you can not read other than the information shown. If it shows seconds as well, you can tell more precisely