Well, if you look at a digital clock, you'll see the numbers counting the hours from 1 to 12. So, twenty minutes to 1pm would be displayed as 12:40 on a digital clock. Just imagine the big hand pointing at the 8 and the small hand pointing at the 12, like two friends meeting before lunch to enjoy the beauty of the day.
1300 hours
Saturday 1pm.
Imagine a clock: a circle is 360 degrees, so every 5 minutes is 30 degrees. If you started at 1pm and rotated it 90 degrees it would be 1.15pm
1pm to 11pm is a total of 10 hours. This is calculated by subtracting 1pm from 11pm: 11 - 1 = 10. The difference between the two times is 10 hours.
Unless it's a 24-hour clock, then it means it's 1pm.
At 1pm.
1300 hours
The conventional clock cannot strike 13, but if you mean 24 hour, when it gets to 13:00, this is 1pm in 12 hour.
no, after am is finished, you add 12 to 1pm for instance so it shows as 13:00 on 24hr clock
Digital clocks display a numeric representation of time. Two numeric display formats are commonly used on digital clocks:the 24-hour notation with hours ranging 00-23;the 12-hour notation with AM/PM indicator, with hours indicated as 12AM, followed by 1AM-11AM, followed by 12PM, followed by 1PM-11PM (a notation mostly used in the United States and Canada).
Twenty hours.
Twenty-fourExample: 1pm Wednesday to 1pm Thursday = 24 hours.Different times if different hours; so if now2pm Thursday add 1 hour = 25 hours, and so on ...
Time to move the hour hand ahead 12 hours. Other wags might suggest it would be time to get a new clock.
13:00 = 1300 hours. (24 hour clock) 1:00 pm ( 12 hour clock) The 'pm' is the Latin initials for 'post meridian', which means 'after noon'.
Saturday 1pm.
2 pm