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Q: What is relationship between sample rate and bit depth?
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The relationship between stroke volume and pump rate?

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Describe the relationship between stroke volume and pump rate?

As stroke volume increases, pump rate decreases. This is an inverse relationship.

What is volume sampling rate?

Sampling rate is a very complex thing to understand. Sampling rate does not have a specific volume, but it mainly depends on what was recorded or how it was recorded. Also what sampling rate was used may even be involved. A digital recording is governed by two things, the sample rate and the bit depth. A sound wave is determined by two things also, the frequency of the signal and it's amplitude (How loud it is at that instant per wave). To convert from a sound wave to a digital format we have to examine the current frequency and amplitude and convert these analogue values to digital ones. The rate at which we do this is called the sample rate. At the same instant we sample the volume which is stored in a value called the bit depth. The bit depth relates to a binary value of which for instance 16 bit represents a value in decimal from 0 - 32765. Obviously the bigger the bit depth the larger the value number can be stored & therefore the higher resolution of the amplitude waveform is available.

Relationship between atheles and recovery heart rate?

The recovery heart rate tells you how fit you are. Thus the relationship between the two is simple. Athletes will have a low recovery rate making them very healthy and fit.

How does the relationship between heart rate and breathing rate affect overall cardiovascular health?

The relationship between heart rate and breathing rate is important for overall cardiovascular health. When the heart rate and breathing rate are in sync, it indicates that the cardiovascular system is functioning efficiently. Regular exercise can help improve this relationship, leading to better cardiovascular health.

Who discovered the relationship between cleanliness and infection rate.?

it is Lister

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Flow rate= radius to the fourth power

Why do rate laws have to be experimentally determined?

To find out the relationship between the rate of reaction and the concentrations of reactants.

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Rmin =R*1.2