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When comparing large data sets.

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Q: When should relative frequencies be used when comparing two data sets?
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How do you calculate absolute frequencies?

Absolute frequencies are calculated by first identifying intervals based on your data and then identifying the number of values within your data set that lie within these interval. Relative frequencies divide the absolute frequencues by the number of values in the set. It is a good practice to provide the absolute frequencies, perhaps in a bar chart of relative frequencies as a number above each bar.

What kind of data could be used to map the relative position of three genes on a chromosome?

the frequencies with which the corresponding traits occur together in offspring.

Frequency and cumulative frequency are two types of what?

Frequency and cumulative frequency are two types of frequency distributions. These are frequency tables that show statistical data for different types of frequencies that include absolute, relative, and cumulative frequencies. There are mathematical formulas used to calculate these frequencies.

Why low frequencies are not used for data transmission in computer networks?

Low frequencies are avoided for data transmission in computer networks to prevent data loss due to attenuation of the signal. Also, low frequencies are incapable of transferring data at the speeds of higher frequencies.

What is the difference between frequency distribution and relative frequency distribution?

Frequency distribution refers to a set of frequencies with a particular set of values into which a statistical population is grouped. Relative frequency refers to data presented in a table that demonstrates the relative frequency of multiple non-overlapping classes.

When do you use the relative standard deviation instead of standard deviation?

Use %RSD when comparing the deviation for popolations with different means. Use SD to compare data with the same mean.

When would you choose a bar graph to present data?

when i am comparing data

What is transmission bandwidth?

The frequencies which are used to transmit data.

Why bar graphs are useful for comparing data?

bar graphs are useful for comparing data b/c you cn actually see what the difference is between them.

What is the difference between the goodness of fit test and the contingency test?

The goodness of fit test is used to determine if a sample comes from a specific population by comparing the observed frequencies to the expected frequencies. It is used to test if there is a significant difference between the observed data and the expected data. On the other hand, the contingency test, also known as the chi-square test of independence, is used to determine if there is an association between two categorical variables by comparing the observed frequencies in a contingency table to the frequencies that would be expected if the variables were independent. It is used to assess if there is a significant relationship between the two variables.

What kind of data would you record in a bar graph?

You use it when you are comparing data.

What type of data does Bluetooth use?

Digital data sent over UHF radio frequencies.