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any Prime number and many that aren't, like 33

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Q: What is relative prime of 10?
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What are the two relative prime numbers that has the LCM 30?

There are many possible answers. One is 5 and 6.

Is 28 and 30 relative prime number?

No, they are not.

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What is the relative prime of 343 to 432?

343 and 432 are relatively prime to each other.

Is 96 and 105 relative prime?

Yes, 96 and 105 are relatively prime because they have no prime factors in common.

How can you use the prime factorization of two numbers to determine whether they are relative prime?

If the prime factorizations have no prime factors in common, the numbers are relatively prime.

What are all relative prime numbers?

That's an infinite list.

What is a relative prime number?

Relative prime: two integers are termed relative prime if the only common factor between them is 1.any integer can be broken down into certain multiples of prime numbers. this is called prime factorization. When you prime factorize two integers and the only common number is 1,then the two integers are relative prime.for ex.18 = 2 x 3 x 335 = 7 x 5so 18 and 35 are relative primes.18 = 2 x 3 x 321 = 3 x 73 is common, so 18 and 21 are not relative prime.Two integers are said to be relatively prime, or coprime if they share no common positive factor other than 1. For example, the numbers 6 and 35 are relatively prime because they share no common factors.

Is 71 a relative prime number?

For numbers to be relatively prime, there needs to be two or more numbers to compare their factors.

What is 24 a relative prime number of?

There are quite a few correct answers. 24 is relatively prime with 35, for one.

What is the relative primes of 59 and 97?

59 and 97, being both prime, are relatively prime to each other.

What are the two largest relative prime numbers?

Relatively prime numbers are numbers which share no common factors. This means the numbers are both the product of an entirely different set of prime numbers. There is no limit to the number of prime numbers. Thus there is no limit to the number of relatively prime pairs. Therefore there cannot be two "largest" relative primes.