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A vertical and a horizontal scales are needed.

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Q: What is required for every graph?
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Is every tree a graph or every graph a tree?


Is every tree a bipartite graph?

No, not every tree is a bipartite graph. A tree is a bipartite graph if and only if it is a path graph with an even number of nodes.

What are the parts that a graph needs?

The minimum requirement are data and a key (or legend). No axes are required if the graph is a pictogram.

What is a hamiltonian path in a graph?

A Hamiltonian path in a graph is a path that visits every vertex exactly once. It does not need to visit every edge, only every vertex. If a Hamiltonian path exists in a graph, the graph is called a Hamiltonian graph.

Is tree a connected acyclic graph?

Every tree is a connected directed acylic graph.

A circuit in a connected graph which includes every vertex of the graph is known?


What kind of graph shows comparisons?

Every graph shows comparisons of some kind or another.

Is there a difference between connected and strongly connected in the context of graph theory?

Yes, in graph theory, a connected graph is one where there is a path between every pair of vertices, while a strongly connected graph is one where there is a directed path between every pair of vertices.

What math and math classes are required to be drawing artist?

to draw a graph

When can a graph represent a function?

A graph represents a function if and only if every input generates a single output.

For every point on the graph of Fx Is there is a point on the graph of F-1y with reversed coordinates?


Why does a pictograph and a double-bar graph have a key?

Every graph must have a key. Keys are to show which bit of the graph represent which data and what values are shown by the location or size or colour of the graph.