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When you give clothes to somebody else that are previously worn. Consignment shops sell second hand clothes because somebody bought them new, wore them for awhile, and then donated them. The person who buys the clothing from the consignment shop now has a second hand piece of clothing

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Q: What is second hand clothes?
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Related questions

What items sell best at a second-hand clothing store?

The best clothes at a second-hand clothing store are pants and shirts.

Where can you find fur?

Apart from on animals, you can usually find clothes with fur trimmings in second-hand clothes shops.

Where can one find second hand clothes for sale online?

There are many places which sell second hand clothes, such as: ebay, amazon, preloved, gumtree and there are some charity shops. Alternatively visit the local high street.

Are second hand maternity clothes okay to wear?

Yes! In terms of safety, there is no reason not to wear second-hand maternity clothes. However, styles change a lot and the items that were in style during one pregnancy may be outdated when they are worn a second time.

Synonyms of second hand clothing?

the clothes was use already and can buy with cheap price

Where does kesha get her clothes?

She goes "dumpster diving" as she likes to call it. Ke$ha gets her clothes at second hand stores in California.

What do you do if none of your clothes fit?

Get new clothes. Either buy new clothes, make new clothes, or get them second-hand. If it is unlikely that you will fit into your clothes again (eg, if you are a growing child), then get rid of your clothes or pack them away until you can get rid of them.

Where do you get shake it up outfits?

in the show they got them at vintage stores or second hand stores . in real life they had a designer make them. i get most of my clothes from vintage or second hand stores too.

Who sells used women clothes?

You can purchase used women's clothes in a second hand store. For example, these stores are consignment shops or the Salvation Army store.

What is the meaning of second hand clothing?

Those are clothes that have already been worn. They are also called hand-me-downs. They can be purchased at a thirft store for a very low cost.

Make a sentence with the word consignment?

"I took my old clothes into the Second-Hand store so they could be sold on consignment."

Why do german people not wear second-hand clothes?

As a nation, Germany is doing rather well. Most citzens would have enough money to buy new clothes. It's as simple as that.