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Septation is a cyst in the medical field that is filled with water, solids, and semi solids. Septation is a term normally used to describe ovarian cysts, and require immediate attention by a physician.

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Q: What is septation?
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What are some nine letter words with 4th letter T and 5th letter A and 9th letter N?

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What are some nine letter words with 1st letter S and 6th letter T and 7th letter I?

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 266 words with the pattern -E--A-I--. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter E and 5th letter A and 7th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are: aerialist aeriality beccafico bedlamism bedlamite bedraping befoaming beggaries beggaring begnawing beheading beknaving beleaping bemeaning bemoaning bendaying bengaline benjamins bereaving beshaming beslaving betraying bewearied bewearies bewraying cellaring cellarist cembalist cephalics cephalins cercariae cercarial cercarian cercarias cerealist cessation ceylanite dealation debeaking deceasing declaring declawing deejaying defeating defeatism defeatist deflating deflation defoaming defraying degearing deglazing degrading deleading deleaving demeaning dentality dentalium dentarias dentaries dentation deplaning depraving depravity descaling desyatins deviating deviation deviative fellating fellation fellatios feodaries feudalise feudalism feudalist feudality feudalize feudaries gemmating gemmation gemmative genialise geniality genialize germanise germanite germanium germanize gessamine gestating gestation gestative heehawing herbalism herbalist herbarial herbarian herbaries herbarium jessamies jessamine kephalics kephalins lechayims lemmatise lemmatize lethality mechanics mechanise mechanism mechanist mechanize mediacies mediating mediation mediatise mediative mediatize memsahibs mendacity mentalism mentalist mentality mentation mescaline mescalins mescalism messaging messaline mezcaline mezzanine nectarial nectaried nectaries nectarine nephalism nephalist nervation neuration peataries peccaries pedlaries pegmatite pelmanism peltation pennalism percaline perradial perradius pertaking pervading pervasion pervasive pessaries petnaping petraries reawaking reboation rebracing recoaling recoating recrating redealing redialing redrawing reexamine reflating reflation reframing regearing reglazing regrading regrating rehearing reheating reimagine reimaging releasing reloading reloaning remeading repealing repeating replacing replating replaying reptation requalify rereading rescaling resealing reseating reshaping reshaving reslating resoaking respacing respading restaging restating restation reteaming retearing retiarius retracing retrating revealing rewearing reweaving seafaring sectarial sectarian sectaries seesawing selvaging sensating sensation septarian septarium septation sequacity serialise serialism serialist seriality serialize seriating seriation serranids serrating serration sextarius sexualise sexualism sexualist sexuality sexualize tellaring teniacide tentation tentative ternaries terracing terrapins terrarium testacies testation tetracids tetradite veniality verbalise verbalism verbalist verbality verbalize verbarian vernalise vernality vernalize vernation versatile welfarism welfarist zebrafish zedoaries