7/(1/5) = 3500%
No, 19.84 percent is not one fifth of the world's population. One fifth of the world's population would be approximately 20%, not 19.84%.
Reduction is seven thirty-fifths which is one-fifth ie 20%
Such a number must be combined with a unit of measurement: for example, seven and one fifth meters, seven and one fifth kilometers, seven and one fifth microns, or light-years, or astronomical units, or parsecs. The resulting length is different in each case.
20 %
7 is one fifth of 35.
713I took 3565 an multiplied it by one fifth. One fifth is equal to .2 or 20 percent.
8 percent. 20% is one fifth (20/100 = 1/5), and one fifth of 40 is 8, so the answer is 8%.