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eleven eighteenths

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Q: What is seven ninths take away one sixth?
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How is 7 over 9 less than 1?

There are 9 ninths in a unit - seven ninths is less than nine ninths, so 7/9 <1 To visualise it, try this: Cut a pizza into nine equal slices - if they are not equal, pretend they are. If you take seven of these nine slices, you have seven ninths of a pizza. Is that not less than the whole ONE?

What is one third take awayone sixth?

one third is equivalent to two sixths two sixths take away one sixth is one sixth

What is eight ninths take away five sixths?

It is: 8/9 minus 5/6 = 1/18

I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?

The answer is seven because if you take away the letter 's' it then becomes the word 'even'.

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Well it depends on the seven year old you could ask their parents to take them away,

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We saw it as from what heavy seven letter word can you take away two and have eight left? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .weights

What is x -5 -7 -5 -1?

The letter X negative take away seven take away five take away one is an equation. This equation equals .500.

Is one ninths greater than five ninths?

i think no * No. Take a second to think about it- if you take a pie and cut it into nine equal slices, is one slice bigger than five slices?

What is the largest seven digit even number?

take away the s