7/12 is a fraction that is between 0 and 1 and so cannot be written as a mixed number. Unless you think of some very convoluted way , such as, 07/12.
The absolute value of eight twelfths is less than 1 and so it cannot be a mixed number.
If the question is , "What is 19 twelfths as a mixed number ?" then,19/12 = 17/12
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 103/12 is equal to 8 7/12 or eight and seven twelfths.
Twenty twelfths written as a mixed number is 1 8/12, or 1 and 2/3 in simplest form.
There are six twelfths in one half.Seven twelfths is more than six twelfths.Therefore seven twelfths is larger than one half.
1 8/12 (one and eight twelfths) is the mixed number equivalent to 20/12 (twenty twelfths).
The absolute value of eight twelfths is less than 1 and so it cannot be a mixed number.
Eight twelths or twelfths even, has an absolute value of less than 1 and so it cannot be expressed as a mixed number.
2 1/6 :)
If the question is , "What is 19 twelfths as a mixed number ?" then,19/12 = 17/12
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 103/12 is equal to 8 7/12 or eight and seven twelfths.
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 126.25 - 78.6 recurring is equal to 47 7/12 or 47 and seven twelfths.
Expressed as a mixed number in its simplest form, 1/2 + 7/12 = 1 1/12 or one and one twelfth.
1 and 3/4
Twenty twelfths written as a mixed number is 1 8/12, or 1 and 2/3 in simplest form.