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Shear flow is the flow induced by a force gradient (for a fluid). For solids, it is the gradient of shear stress forces throughout the body.

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Q: What is shear flow?
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What is the relationship between the shear g and the shear rate?

Viscosity is constant to the flow of the fluid.

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A delay or slow response in developing shear flow reactions to applied loads

Why shear force is necessary for fluid flow?

Shear force is necessary for fluid flow because it creates a differential in velocity within the fluid, allowing it to move from one point to another. This shear force helps overcome the internal friction in the fluid and facilitates the movement of fluid particles along a surface or past each other. In essence, shear force is responsible for driving the flow of fluids.

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S. Farokhi has written: 'Modern developments in shear flow control with swirl' -- subject(s): Turbulent jets, Swirling, Vortex breakdown, Wave excitation, Shear flow, Active control, Flow stability

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Gregory Merlin Powell has written: 'The structure of velocity and density interfaces in a weakly turbulent stratified shear flow' -- subject(s): Fluid dynamics, Shear flow

Why fluids do not sustain shear stress?

Fluids do not sustain shear stress because they undergo continuous deformation under applied shear forces. Unlike solids that have a defined shape and can resist shear stress, fluids flow and deform when subjected to shear, resulting in no sustained shear stress. This behavior is a fundamental property of fluids known as viscosity.

What has the author Alexander J Smits written?

Alexander J. Smits has written: 'Wall pressure fluctuations in the reattachment region of a supersonic free shear layer' -- subject(s): Shear (Mechanics), Wall pressure (Aerodynamics) 'A Physical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics' 'The dynamics and control of fluctuating pressure loads in the reatachment region of a supersonic free shear layer' -- subject(s): Aerodynamics 'Turbulent shear layers in supersonic flow' -- subject(s): Aerodynamics, Supersonic, Shear flow, Supersonic Aerodynamics, Turbulence

What are factors that affect viscosity and flow?

Pressure and temperature are the two factors that affect flow and viscosity. Viscosity refers to the resistance of a liquid to the shear forces.

What has the author Yongqi Yang written?

Yongqi Yang has written: 'The influence of particles on the stability of two-phase 2-D free shear flows' -- subject(s): Shear flow

What has the author D C Fourguette written?

D. C. Fourguette has written: 'Concentration measurements in a supersonic shear layer' -- subject(s): Supersonic flow, Shear layers, Methane

In hagen-poiseuille flow through a cylindrical tube the radial profile of shear stress?


When is a substance said to be viscostatic?

A substance is said to be viscostatic when its viscosity remains constant regardless of the shear rate or stress applied to it. This means that the substance does not exhibit shear-thinning or shear-thickening behavior, making its viscosity consistent under different flow conditions.