Islamic algebra is the same as regular algebra. just like Arabic numerals is the same as 1 2 3. why is algebra important today? there is no difference between these questions.
No but it is important. And so is spelling!
The Latin prefix pre- means "before" so Pre-Algebra means "Before Algebra". Pre Algebra gives you the bottom bricks or the foundation of your math building. This is the most important mathematics year of your life so try not to mess it upalgebra is harder.
The person who developed algebra was famous Muslim mathematician Al-Khawarizmi. He is know as the "father" of algebra, and lived during the Golden Age of Islamic civilization during the Abbasid Dynasty.
Algebra exists to find solutions
Algebra originated in origins in Mesopotamia and Egypt with the Islamic scholar al-Khwarizmi (790-840). no it was arriginated in 999 in by arab and roman scholars
There are nothing called Islamic stars to explain why are important.
No but it is important. And so is spelling!
Algebra. Algebra is one of their greatest contribution. :)
The introduction of algebra to mathematics.
Yes. It was Al Khawarzmi who invented Algebra. (Refer: Ibn-i-Khaldoon)
Yes, and so is English.
Everybody uses algebra. There is no "Islamic Algebra", even though the inventor of algebra, al-Khwarezmi, was a Muslim born in the Abbassid Caliphate. The math is good, without even considering that its inventor was a Muslim, and there is no "Islamic Algebra" just like there is no "Christian Gravity", even though Isaac Newton, gravity's discoverer was a Christian, or "Hindu Arithmetic", even though the originators of the ten numeral digit system were Hindus.
The introduction of algebra to mathematics.
The Latin prefix pre- means "before" so Pre-Algebra means "Before Algebra". Pre Algebra gives you the bottom bricks or the foundation of your math building. This is the most important mathematics year of your life so try not to mess it upalgebra is harder.
There were no Muslims around 4000 years ago when the Babylonians began using what we now call algebra.