Stationary mean "not moving" so it must mean the the position is not moving or stay the same place.
There are 4 syllables in "Stationary". Stationary (Stay-Shun-air-ee) 4 syllables
There are four syllables in stationary. Sta-tion-ar-y
differances between stationary population and stable population
There are 4 syllables in the word stationary, divided as follows:sta/tio/na/rysta/tion/a/ry
A stationary ball has potential energy due to its position relative to the ground.
You can compare the object's position relative to a reference point or a fixed landmark to determine if it is moving or stationary. If the object is changing its position relative to the reference point over time, then it is moving. If its position remains constant with respect to the reference point, then it is stationary.
A stationary truck has potential energy, which is energy that is stored in an object due to its position or configuration.
When the surface position of a front does not move, it is said to be stationary. This may indicate a period of relatively stable weather conditions in the area where the front is located. Stationary fronts can lead to prolonged periods of precipitation or dry weather, depending on the atmospheric conditions.
When the cardboard is at rest, it is not undergoing any motion or change in position. It is stationary and its position remains constant.
A standing wave is also known as a stationary wave. It is a wave that remains in a constant position. This phenomenon can occur because the medium is moving in the opposite direction to the wave, or it can arise in a stationary medium as a result of interference between two waves traveling in opposite directions.
A horizontal line on a position-time graph would indicate that the object is stationary and not changing its position over time.
Motion can be observed from a stationary position or a relative position. Stationary observation involves watching an object move from a fixed point, while relative observation involves observing motion from a moving reference point. Both perspectives are valid ways to study and describe motion.
motion can be observed from any position