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You can do it in 5 steps.

Against the stone (S) weigh 1kg of Rice (1R)

Move 1R to the same side as S and, against S+1R, weight 2R

Move 2R to the same side as S and, against S+3R, weight 4R

Move 4R to the same side as S and, against S+7R, weight 8R

Move 8R to the same side as S and, against S+15R, weight 16R

15R + 16R = 31R.

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Q: What is step by step solution of You are having 31kg of rice You are provided with a 1kg stone for weighing In how many weights the 31kg of rice can be weighed?
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How do you use a balance scale?

A balance scale uses a weighing plate and a counter. It typically does not matter which plate is used for which purpose. Begin by placing the item to be weighed on one plate. Place the calibrated counter weights on the opposite plate, beginning with smaller weights, and continue until the item being weighed begins to rise. As the two plate reach the same level, the scale balances, and you have determined the weight of your item.

What is the device comparing the mass of an object to a known mass?

The device used for comparing the mass of an object to a known mass is a double pan balance, or a balance scale. This is a type of weighing scale where you put weights on one pan and the substance you are weighing on the other.

When calculating Tons Per Hour being conveyed on a conveyor belt by weighing samples is there a recommended cut length for each sample set?

The answer to the question depends on the weights of each item going down the conveyor.

How do i know if i used 2.6oz of 6.4 oz if i cant see in the bottle?

If you cannot see inside the bottle you can measure the amount of product you used by using a digital kitchen scale. Start by weighing the bottle before use and noting the weight. After using the product weigh the bottle again and subtract the original weight from the new weight. The difference between the two weights is the amount of product you used. For example if the bottle weighed 6.4 oz before use and 4.8 oz after use the difference is 1.6 oz meaning you used 2.6 oz of product.

If a patients weights 45.45 kilograms he also weights pounds?

45.45kg = 100.2lb

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You are having 31kg of rice You are provided with a 1kg stone for weighing In how many weights the 31kg of rice can be weighed?

The 31kg of rice can be weighed using the 1kg stone a maximum of 31 times. This is because each time the 1kg stone is used, it subtracts 1kg from the total weight until the desired weight is reached.

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beam balance. Two pans are suspended from each end of a horizontal beam, with the object to be weighed placed on one pan and standard weights on the other until balance is achieved.

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To use the set of weights in the physics laboratory, first identify the specific weight you need based on the experiment requirements. Then, carefully place the weight on the object or apparatus you are studying to measure the force or mass. Finally, record the observations and data obtained using the weights for analysis and conclusions.

How do you use a balance scale?

A balance scale uses a weighing plate and a counter. It typically does not matter which plate is used for which purpose. Begin by placing the item to be weighed on one plate. Place the calibrated counter weights on the opposite plate, beginning with smaller weights, and continue until the item being weighed begins to rise. As the two plate reach the same level, the scale balances, and you have determined the weight of your item.

What are the weight used by jewellers known as?

Jewels are weighed in units of measurement called carats. But the weights are still called weights.

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How heavy is heavy. Would you call a car heavy? would you call a bag of Potatoes heavy? They both are I suppose . Vehicles of all weights are weighed on a public Weigh-bridge. They can weigh very heavy loads up to about 100 Tonne, and are usually owned by local Councils. Objects more than about 10 Kilogram are usually weighed on a portable Weighing Platform. Example: Airports, Scrap Metal Buyers, Farmers, etc. use Weighing Platforms which are about 1Metre square, for weights in the approximate range of 5 to 500 Kilogram. Bathroom Scales can cope with up to about 150 Kg and are useful for weighing objects other than humans. Example: domestic luggage.

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130 pound weights would weigh more than a child weighing 130 pounds dead weight because the weights are objects with a fixed weight regardless of being lifted, whereas the weight of a child can fluctuate depending on factors like movement or position.