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The device used for comparing the mass of an object to a known mass is a double pan balance, or a balance scale. This is a type of weighing scale where you put weights on one pan and the substance you are weighing on the other.

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Q: What is the device comparing the mass of an object to a known mass?
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A device that works by comparing the mass of an object to a known mass is called?

A device that works by comparing the mass of an object to a known mass is called a balance or a weighing scale. This type of device is commonly used in laboratories, industries, and households to measure the mass of objects accurately.

A device that works by comparing the mass of an object known a mass called a?

The device you are referring to is likely a balance scale. The balance scale measures the mass of an object by comparing it to a known mass placed on the other side of the scale. When the two masses are equal, the balance scale is level, indicating that the masses are the same.

A device that works by comparing the mass of an object?

A balance scale is a device that works by comparing the mass of an object by balancing it against known mass standards. The device typically consists of a beam or lever with a pan on each side, allowing for comparison of masses. When the device is balanced, it indicates that the masses are equal.

How is the mass of an object measured with a scale a balance a graduated cylinder or a thermometer?

The mass of an object is typically measured using a scale by comparing it with known weights. A balance also functions by comparing the mass of the object with known masses on the opposite side. A graduated cylinder is used for measuring volume, not mass. A thermometer measures temperature, not mass.

How does a beam balance measure the mass of object?

A1. Mass is determined by using a beam balance, and comparing the unknown mass with known masses.

What does a balace scale measure?

Balances mainly measure mass in grams. Mass. By comparing the mass of an object to a known mass. A balance measures mass or more accurately the normal force of an object.

What is a scale balance?

A scale balance is a device used to measure the mass or weight of an object by comparing it to known weights on the other side of a horizontal bar or beam. It works on the principle of balancing the weights to determine the mass of the object being measured.

Are the same tools used to measure weight and mass?

mass is measured with a balance comparing an unknown mass with an object of known mass. weight is not measeured with the same tools as mass.

Why on which pan of the balance the object is placed?

The object is placed on one pan of the balance to determine its weight or mass by comparing it against known weights on the other pan. This helps to establish equilibrium and measure the object's mass accurately.

How do you you measure the mass of an object?

The most common way to measure the mass of an object is by using a scale. The object is placed on the scale and the reading displayed gives the mass in units such as grams or kilograms. If a scale is not available, mass can also be measured by comparing the object to known standard masses using a balance scale.

How is the mass of an object found?

It's found by comparing standard mass units

What instrument do you use to measure mass in a lab?

A balance or a scale is typically used to measure mass in a laboratory. These instruments provide an accurate measurement of an object's mass by comparing it to a known standard.