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Q: What is structure of sf2cl2 plus?
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Basic control structure available in c plus plus?

The basic control structure in C++ is the if statement.

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What is the name of the structure type in C plus plus?

The same as in C, struct.

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struct point { int x; int y; };

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225 Rs. after discount........

How do you do nested strcutres program in c plus plus?

As its name suggests, a nested structure is a structure which contains another within it. Here is an example in which the "nApple" structure is nested withing the "nTree" structure: #includestruct nApple{int stem;int skin;};struct nTree{int leaves;nApple redDelicious;nApple grannySmith;};

What are the two ways of initializing a structure variable in c plus plus?

Two ways? There are at least four: 1) Zero the memory allocated to the structure. 2) Shallow-copy the memory from another structure of the same type. 3) Deep-copy the memory from another structure of the same type. 4) Set the individual members.

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It depends on what program you design really

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