

What is subraction?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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12y ago

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Subtraction is the operation used when taking an amount from another.

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What is sum in math it is addition or subraction?

Sum is addition.

What are the four fundamental of operation?

addition, subraction, multiplication, division

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How can you check subraction?

by adding the bottom number to the answer that you got annd it should give you the top number.

What does - mean in a integers equation?

It would either mean subraction or negative. For example: If the equation looked like this: (+4) - (+8) than the - means subraction. But, if the equation looked like this: (+4) + (-8) than that means the 8 or whatever number it is, is a negative number.

Is the collection of integers closed under subraction?

Yes, the set of integers is closed under subtraction.

How old would someone be if they were born in 1982?

Most likely 26. Possibly 27. Perhaps you should becom aquainted with subraction. Most likely 26. Possibly 27. Perhaps you should becom aquainted with subraction. 27 duhhhhhhhhhh

What do you call multiplication division subraction and addition in spanish?

multiplicación, división, resta, suma (in that order).

What equals 7 in order of Operations?

the order of operations is as follows Parentheses exponents Multiplication and division addition and subraction

What does difference mean in math terms?

difference means an answer to a subraction problem.

Which set of numbers is not closed under subraction?

The set of positive numbers, the set of negative numbers are two examples. Any subsets of these will also not be closed.

What does the order of operations tell you?

In BODMAS it stands for: Brackets Of Division Multiplication Addition Subraction It means that in a sum you must always start with the brackets, followed by division/multiplication and finally addition/subtraction.