

What is ten percent of something?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: What is ten percent of something?
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To find out ten percent of something you simply divide it by ten. To divide something by ten you can just move the decimal point one space to the left. So 5.760952 divided by 10 is 0.5760952 so ten percent of 5.760952 is 0.5760952

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Let x = something 10% of x = 10% * x = 0.10 * x

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10% of something is 10/100 of something is 10/100 times something is 0.10 times something.

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Ten percent of 55 is 5.5.

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5.7 I think (you do 57/100=0.57 to get one percent then times by ten to get ten percent.)

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Ten percent of thirty is three.

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