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The question is somewhat confused. Ten time 1.7 is 17 which is not smaller. Ten times as large is 0.17 - perhaps that was what the question was about.

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Q: What is ten times smaller than 1.7?
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Which is smaller- 5 or -17?


What are the prime numbers greater than 10 but less than 25?

Prime numbers between 10 and 20 are 11, 13 17 and 19. Those between 20 and 25 are 23.

What is the lowest number with ten prime factors?

it's 2^10, which is decomposable in ten times the prime factor 2. If you replaced any of those 2s by a higher prime, the product would be greater than 2^10. And since there is no smaller prime than 2, this must be the smallest number that is decomposable in ten prime factors. If you meant 10 different prime factors, the answer would be the product of the ten smallest primes 2*3*5*7*11*13*17*19*23*29 which i am too lazy to calculate right now :)

What number is greater than 13 but smaller than 19 and only has 2 factors?


What is the number that has a factor of 4x4 is smaller than 40x40 larger than 35x35 and is a multiple of 17?


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