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Q: What is th area bwtween the tropics and the polar circle called?
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Is the Arctic Circle called the polar?

A polar circle is either the Arctic Circle or the Antarctic Circle.

Are areas between the tropics and polar regions called equinoxes?

No. Equinoxes are something totally different. The area between the tropics and polar regions are known as temperate regions.

What is the temperate zone?

The temperate zone is the area between the polar areas and the equator.

Where are the tropics and polar region found?

Tropics- area near equator polar- area closer to the poles

Are the latitudes north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle called high middle or low latitude regions?

"High" latitudes. The equator has a latitude of zero. The area between the Tropic of Cancer (at 23.5 degrees north) and the Tropic of Capricorn (at 23.5 degrees south) are the "tropics" or low latitudes. The "polar regions" are above the Arctic Circle or below the Antarctic Circle, where the latitudes are higher than 66.5 degrees (north or south) are "high". The areas between the tropics and the arctic/antarctic are called "mid-latitudes or "temperate zones".

What zones do the lines of longitude divide the world into?

The polar and temperate zones and the tropics.

What are the zones north of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle called?

Both of these zones are called polar regions.

What are the latitudes north of the arctic circle and south of the antarctic circle called?

Those are the "polar" regions.

Why is weathering faster in polar regions?

why weathering is faster in tropics than in the polar region

List the continents that lies completely outside the tropics?

There continents that lie completely outside of the tropics are North America, Europe, and Antarctica. Asia lies outside the tropics except for Indonesia which is sometimes considered part of that continent.

What carries warmth from the tropics toward the polar regions?


What are the Areas between the tropics and polar regions?

the Temperate Zone.