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To find the line that passes through the points (3, -5) and (2, -3), you can plug those numbers into the classic equation for a line:

Δy = sΔx


(y - y1) = s(x - x1)

You can calculate the slope given the numbers that are already provided:

s = Δy/Δx

s = ((-5) - (-3)) / (3 - 2)

s = (3 - 5) / (3 - 2)

s = -2/1

s = -2

Now that you have the slope, you can use it in the original line equation, plugging either of the two points in to your x1 and y1 values:

(y - y1) = s(x - x1)

y - (-5) = -2(x - 3)

y + 5 = -2x + 6

y = 1 - 2x

You could also plug in the other pair of x/y values to get the same result:

(y - y1) = s(x - x1)

y - (-3) = -2(x - 2)

y + 3 = -2x + 4

y = 1 - 2x

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Q: What is th eqaution of the line tha passes through 3 -5 and 2 -3?
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