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toilet paper holder

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Q: What is that thing called with the toilet paper roll and he wool wrapped around it?
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What did they rap the mummy's with?

toilet paper....... just kidding, they wrapped the body with linen

Why can you only use toilet paper in toilets?

because its called TOILET PAPER

What do you call the paper loose diamonds are wrapped in?

The paper is called a wrap or wrapper.

How do you make yourself a toilet paper mummy?

He wasn't asking you about wrapping yourself in toilet paper? He wanted to know how to MAKE toilet paper, so he asked his "mummy". It's not his fault his "Mum can't afford a spell checker.

Can toilet paper hurt your anus?

yes, wiping vigorously with toilet paper can irritate the skin around the anus, making it itchy or sore

What are the colors of the paper bands wrapped around new bills?


What happened to the linen wrapped around mummies?

Anicent Eyptain paper

Why does paper not burn when wrapped around metal?

Paper does not burn when wrapped around metal because the metal acts as a heat sink, drawing heat away from the paper and preventing it from reaching its ignition temperature. The metal dissipates the heat quickly, creating a barrier between the fire and the paper.

How do you make toilet paper?

# Toilet paper is made from either recycled paper or wood chips. # It is mixed with water and broken down into a slurry, like paper mache. # Any paper clips and staples are removed with magnets and filters. # The ink is removed. # The great soggy mass is then pressed through rollers which dry it. # It then goes through a machine that perforates it every 10 cm and puts it onto a long roll. # This long roll is then chopped up into lengths and wrapped and packaged.

Toilet paper roll facts?

Toilet paper rolls were originally introduced in the late 1800s and were made of recycled paper. The average toilet paper roll contains about 500 sheets. On average, an individual uses about 100 rolls of toilet paper per year.

Will swallowing mdma in toilet paper slow down the process?

Swallowing MDMA wrapped in toilet paper will not necessarily slow down the absorption process as the drug will still dissolve in the stomach acid. However, it may delay onset due to the time it takes for the toilet paper to dissolve. It is generally safer to take MDMA with water for a quicker onset and control over dosage.